diagnosing possible hardware problem

NoOp glgxg at mfire.com
Fri Oct 13 23:07:44 UTC 2006

Felix Miata wrote:
> On 06/10/13 15:21 (GMT-0700) NoOp apparently typed:

>>>From that link you'll most likely go to a mirror such as:
>> http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/dapper/
>> If you look in that directory you'll find MD5SUMS.
>> http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/dapper/MD5SUMS
>> The OpenOffice site
>> (http://www.openoffice.org/dev_docs/using_md5sums.html) has a
>> nice/simple writeup on how to verify MD5SUMs; scroll down to the "This
>> is how you verify MD5 Checksums under Linux:" part.
> Maybe I'm missing something, but I feel it's the job of the installer to do
> the source verification, not me, when I download nothing more than an
> installation kernel and initrd before turning the job over to the installer
> to install via ftp or http from a public mirror. Fedora, SUSE and Mandriva
> don't impose that obligation.


Validating the Files

Errors can occur during the download, even if your download manager
reports none. Therefore it is very important to check that the files
have not been corrupted in any way. This is the purpose of the SHA1SUM
file. It contains one line for each of the available ISO files with a
content verification code called a hash computed from the original ISO
Fedora uses sha1sum vs md5sum.

Simply put, the md5/sha1 sums provide you with the ability to check the
download to ensure that the file is valid and was not corrupted during
the download. Because the files are quite large and can be interupted
and corrupted during download, the sums enable you to verify that the
data that you are about to burn on the CD are complete and that the
files contain all of the data you need. It's a simple enough check;
takes less time to do than posting here, and will also help you move on
to troubleshooting your problem.

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