Adding RAM

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Fri Oct 13 19:48:56 UTC 2006

On 13/10/06, Wei-Yee Chan <chanweiyee at> wrote:
> The report looks fine to me.  Is your system running slower than before,
> or is it just running slower than U expect it to be?  A memory upgrade
> will not necessarily boost the speed of your system if U already had
> enough RAM before the upgrade.  Utilised memory doesn't do anything to
> enhance  your system speed.

I feel that it's been getting slower, like atrophy creeping in
somewhere. I've had XP, Fedora 3, 4, and 5, Suse 10, and [K]ubuntu on
this box, with various hard disks and memory upgrades 128MB -> 512MB
-> 1GB, and it's never been this sluggish. I can type faster than the
screen can pront them.

> If it's running slower than before the upgrade, then did U make any
> changes to your OS recently?  Anything that U could remember?

I'm always installing and removing programs. The only ones done
recently were a bunch of F-Spot installations from CVS and the
installation and removal of a few different wine and winetools

> The last thing I can think up of is that your old AMD CPU cannot cope
> with the additional RAM, as it has too little internal cache.  That
> could have caused the slowdown.  Try removing 1 of the memory strips and
> see if there's a performance gain.

Too little internal cache makes the chip unable to handle large
amounts of RAM? That doesn't sound right to me. But I'm not a CS
major, so that actually might be the case. Can someone confirm this?


Dotan Cohen

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