IMAP filtering/manipulation tools

Clive Menzies clive at
Fri Oct 13 11:21:21 UTC 2006

On (13/10/06 08:38), Tony Arnold wrote:
> I'm looking for a tool that I can use to look at the content of my INBOX
> on an IMAP server and selectively forward certain messages (based on
> snder name for example) off to somewhere else.
> I think the imapfilter package may be able to do this, but it seems more
> designed for moving messages around folders rather than forwarding.
> I have no control over the IMAP server the mail is delivered to, so I
> cannot deploy procmail or similar on this server. I'd like to avoid
> client side rules as that would mean messages would not get forwarded
> while I am away or not using the client.

IANE but I would have thought if you have no control over the IMAP
server, your only recourse is to a client side tool.



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