It doesn't work! Re: Video format => *.flv

Ricardo C O Freitas ricardocastanho at
Tue Oct 10 23:36:31 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 10 October 2006 18:14, Steve Flynn wrote:

VLC was my first idea!

It just says: "Nothing to play"


> On 10/10/06, Ricardo C O Freitas <ricardocastanho at> wrote:
> > Are you trying to transform a .flv to another format? If so you don't
> >
> > > want an encoder for flv, that would make an .flv from something else.
> >
> > Yes! that's it!
> >
> > I can watch them all right but people without mplayer can't!
> > (like windoes users!)
> Try VLC ( to re-encode them. Also, I'd be
> quite surprised if it doesn't play them (both on Linux and Windows and
> Macs). It's what I use and I've yet to find a format it can't play.

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