Network problem

Luis lemsx1 at
Tue Oct 10 01:27:20 UTC 2006

what version of Ubuntu are you using? 6.06 (aka dapper)

Do you use pppoe?

Try using the pppoe configurator and lower your MTU settings. 1492'ish
worked for me previously.
Make sure that you are typing the right user/password combination.

if you are not using pppoe, meaning your westell modem does some kind
of bridge for you and all you need is to set your ethernet interface
to dhcp... then you might be in real trouble ;-) i mean, you should be
able to use the Gnome network tools to figure out why you are not
conecting to the modem.

In general, try installing Ethereal and sniffing your traffic to see
if you can troubleshoot this better. unfortunately, you will need more
than one computer to troubleshoot this problem (you will need to
download packages to install on Ubuntu)

On 10/9/06, Andrew Baclawski <nuts11222 at> wrote:
> I have a Westell 327W from Verizon and can't connect in Ubuntu.I can do it in Xandros and Windows.

Luis Mondesi
*NIX Guru

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