Sound not working in Xubuntu

Fun Kid funkid_20910 at
Mon Oct 9 23:55:41 UTC 2006

Hello all,

I am not able to get any sound from my system.  My mp3s and
movies play fine on the display but I get no sound.  I have
Xubuntu (Drapper Drake) installed on my machine and I am using
KDE as my desktop interface.

In the past when I had installed Ubuntu (Drapper Drake) on my
machine, I used to get those system beeps every time I did
something that was not supposed to be done.

I am not sure if I turned off the sound somehow but I would
greatly appreciate any help in troubleshooting my system sound.
I noticed that my sound card is being detected fine and I have
also looked for obvious things like my volume setting not being
set to mute or anything.

Thanks in advance.
Fun Kid

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