Better wireless support

fafek2.mailing fafek2.mailing at
Mon Oct 9 21:05:07 UTC 2006


Does somebody know something about better support of wireless networks 
in Ubuntu? Projects, links and so on?
I mean developing integrated GUI tools for detecting nearby APs and 
other tools which could make the most of modern wifi cards.

To be honest, network-admin is so simple tool that it doesn't contain 
some essential features.
And hey, before you can download Wifi scanner you need have a working 
Internet connection!

Ifconfig for me isn't a problem, but for a plain users is. Just as 
limited functionality of network-admin which, like ifconfig, confuses users.

I've found only these:

I think this should be priority for developers. Not artwork, new init 
I know everyone do what he is able to. And everyone has other priorities.

What a pity that Edgy will not be fully Wifi-ready :(

Best regards,
fafek2.mailing at

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