[Solved] Re: Edgy - "Missing" Directories

Thilo Six T.Six at gmx.de
Mon Oct 9 16:29:35 UTC 2006

Scott wrote the following on 09.10.2006 06:53:


> Indeed there is and it's fairly simple.
> cd / && sudo rm .hidden
> *sigh*
> It looks like Kubuntu is getting the GNOME disease.  Hopefully it won't
> spread to all of KDE.

I came acrros the new feature some time ago, too. And i like it. ;)

You do not have to delete the whole file to see the directories again,
just edit it and delete the lines of dires you want to see.
..._AND_ you can *ALWAYS see ALL* dirs when "show hidden files" is
turend on in nautilus or konqi.

I liked this soo much, that now i have made my own .hidden file in
dapper, where it also works.
My personal setting is to have displayed in / only /mnt /media /home and
/etc. And again all others are still there with CTRL+L or "show hidden

bye Thilo
i am on Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
- some friend of mine

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