Gigabit Ethernet

drew at drew at
Mon Oct 9 15:38:41 UTC 2006

drew at a =E9crit :

My and needs expectations, heavy load on a small server.  Inititially
there will be a lot of simultaneous ftp traffic, transferring compressed
80GB hard drive images.  Lots of downloads, occaisional uploads.

Later on it will be used on a LTSP server supporting 20-30 Edubuntu
clients on 10/100 switch ports.  server connected via gigabit uplink port
on switch.  At times clients will be running some demanding applications,
java software development using Netbeans/Eclipse.

Intel has a huge variety of cards in the Pro/1000 line.  Especially if you
consider discontinued products still trickling through the supply chain.

The Intel Pro/1000 family has a good reputation.  Realtek has a bad
reputation, folks seem to say they "don't know" about other vendors.

I have not found a good comparision of the members of the Intel Pro/1000
family.  Google searches are cluttered with folks selling various members
of the family.  Technical info on each member is organized differently
making point by point comparison difficult.

I have not found any information on benchmarks comparing members of
the family.  As far as I can tell they all use the same driver, but
I could easily have missed something.

Will probably buy the cheaper desktop card for now and see how it goes
unless I find some information that strongly suggests the server card
will be a better choice.

Was hoping to find someone familiar with the different members of
the Intel Pro/1000 family.


>>> I agree. For servers, an Intel card will probably make more sense.
>> Since I asked the question a few hours ago, I've been digging around
>> on the web, and came to the conclusion that an Intel card does make
>> more sense.  But I'm still confused by the wide variety of Intel
>> cards at a wide variety prices.
>> I can get a PWLA8391GT Pro/1000GT desktop card for about $30 US, or a=20
>>             PWLA8490MT Pro/1000MT server card for about $130 US.
>What are your needs+expectations? (expected network traffic, load,
>server, desktop...)
>What chip is the card made of? (look for technical specifications)
>Is the chip/card supported by Ubuntu Linux Kernel? (google/locate
>There are nothing like vannilla good or bad products but products that
>suit your needs+price-range.

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