Accessing Ubuntu Gnome menus in KDE

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Sat Oct 7 10:33:46 UTC 2006

I find that most of the system administration tools appear only in the
Gnome menus, not in the KDE menus. And Kcontrol does not contain all
the tools that the Gnome menu does (user administration, for
instance). However, I very much dislike Gnome and continue to use KDE.
How can I access the Gnome menus in KDE? Is the menu actually a Gnome
program, that I can run in KDE?

If this is not possible, then I'd like to know the command line name
of the programs in the Gnome menus so that I can start them on the
CLI. How can I get this information, without checking them one-by-one
in Gnome?

Thank you.

Dotan Cohen

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