menu.list bug(s)

Matthew Nicholson sjoeboo at
Fri Oct 6 13:56:05 UTC 2006

so, there have been some nagging bugs with edgy on my system i want to
report, but i'm not sure which package i should file them against.
anyone who can point me in the direction of the right package to file
these under would be a great help.

issue number one:

everytime a kernel is updated, in my grubs menu.list the root is listed
as" root (hd1,0) however,this is not my root volume. hd0,0 is. if i try
to boot, the kernel isn't found. so, after every kernel update 9minor or
major) i have to edit my menu.lst accordingly. everytime.

issue number two:
 its pretty related. kernel upgrades a while back started using the UUID
to refrence volumes. this was buggy for me, but then got nice and
stable. recently, after kernel updates, its back to the
old /dev/hd(whatever) schema. this would be fine,however, it always
wants to set my root to: root=/dev/hde1. once again, this should
be /dev/hda1 (or, as i like it: root=UUID=(insert that vol_id -u string

my home desktop is the only oc i've seen this on (my work desktop and
girlfriends desktop, both running edgy, have been basically fine, or
rather far less problematic)

i'll list whatever hardware/system info anyone needs/wants in teh big
report, if only i knew where to file it.

Thanks everyone.

Matthew Nicholson <sjoeboo at>
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