PHP jump to other page

Matthew Nicholson sjoeboo at
Wed Oct 4 19:48:42 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-10-05 at 02:37 +0700, Groundhog wrote:
> could you tell me what do you mean? here is my code:
> if($error_msg=='') {
> if($photo_paper == "on"){
> 	header('Location:');
> 	exit();
> 	}
> else {
> please send another name </p>\n";}
> }
only wrong is the missing:

echo "please send another name </p>\n";

i your else statement.

other than that it looks good. jsut make sure nothing is getting printed
to the page (in ANY way) before trying to send a header. this means no
"echo", no "print", and no "?> <some html>tags</here> <?php"

another way to do it is with a bit of java script, i'd have to digg up
some old work though. 
Matthew Nicholson <sjoeboo at>
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