lexmark z53

Adam Lafayette atomlbomb at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 4 02:45:33 UTC 2006

back in June I installed ubuntu Dapper Drake.
I was having problems getting my lexmark Z53 working.
The cups driver doesn't work.
Someone on this list pointed me to some forum that ended out helping me get it working.

Recently I had harddrive problems.
I've installed a new harddrive and I'm running dapper drake again.
I can't seem to find that forum again though.
I'm trying to get my printer working again and having problems.
In the wiki it says has instructions to download the debian driver from lexmark for lexmark printers but they 
don't have one for my printer.  They do have redhat drivers.
I downloaded the rpm and used alien to convert it to a .deb file but I"m worried that I'm going to screw things up
even more.  Would the redhat drivers be compatible.

Does anyone suggest a better way to do it or point me toward a forum to help?

Adam Lafayette  N1ZGG   atomlbomb at yahoo.com    http://www.bloodkeg.com       http://www.geocities.com/atomlbomb

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