Exceeded limit of symlinks on Xubuntu Dapper

Tony Arnold tony.arnold at manchester.ac.uk
Tue Oct 3 16:06:35 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-10-03 at 12:18 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:
> Tommy Trussell wrote:
> > You are right -- I just played around with the command on another
> > system and I originally had the ln syntax backwards. For some reason I
> > was consistently using the ln command in the wrong order. Here's an
> > example where I did it RIGHT:
> I swear ln was created backwards.  I write it wrong all the time!  We should
> immediately replace it with a version of the command that puts the target
> at the end :-)

I've been getting this wrong for years too! The way I remember it is
that you can leave off the second argument (LINK_NAME) and thus create a
link to the target in the current directory.

I was going to suggest we call the newly written command 'nl', but it's
already taken:-)

Tony Arnold, IT Security Coordinator, University of Manchester,
IT Services Division, Kilburn Building, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL.
T: +44 (0)161 275 6093, F: +44 (0)870 136 1004, M: +44 (0)773 330 0039
E: tony.arnold at manchester.ac.uk, H: http://www.man.ac.uk/Tony.Arnold

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