Anybody running Cincom VisualWorks on Ubuntu?

James Robertson jarober at
Tue Oct 3 15:49:17 UTC 2006

Albert Wagner <albertwagner <at>> writes:

> If anyone here is running VisualWorks on Ubuntu, did you have any 
> troubles installing and running?   For me it installed with everything 
> owned by root and in group root, therefore I can write out a new image 
> only as root or sudo not as a plain user.

On Unix/Linux, you typically install in a shared space (root user 
or otherwise),and then:

1) When you start VW, make sure that $VISUALWORKS points to 
the root of the installation

2) copy $(VISUALWORKS)/image/ to somewhere in your 
home directory structure

3) Run VW as follows (typically from a script)

%> $(VISUALWORKS)/bin/insertPlatformHere/visual ./

replace "insertPlatformHere" with the appropriate platform VM
(depends on the OS and cpu arch)

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