No subject

janne.jokitalo at janne.jokitalo at
Tue Oct 3 07:57:50 UTC 2006

Hello there, list!

The temptation grew too big, and as I recently 
re-installed Dapper on my laptop, I partitioned the thing 
so that I won't lose data if another reinstall is needed. 
Thus I wanted to upgrade to Edgy.

Great, googling reveales me:

...which urges to try:

gksu "update-manager -c -d"

...which does nothing. I understood -d switch is supposed 
to tell u-m to use beta releases as well. U-m always tells 
me my system is up-to-date, but:

jaska at jjod600n:~$ lsb_release --all
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS
Release:        6.06
Codename:       dapper

...should indicate it's not. I thought I didn't need to 
fiddle with sources.list anymore? Do I?

Yes, I could try, but I want to hear the current 
understanding first. And yes, I could try with aptitude 
(which is what I use mainly),  but having read mdz's 
instructions of using it already from Breezy to Dapper, I 
wanted to try it now.

Also, if I shouldn't upgrade to Edgy _right now_, is 
accepted as well. :) Is it _too_ broken now? I don't mind 
occasional breakage, mind you... :)


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