Ubuntu can't see new SATA drive

Gilles Gravier Gilles at Gravier.org
Sun Oct 1 14:54:47 UTC 2006

Ubuntu (for some strange reason) doesn't load up some SATA drivers... on 
every machine I've tried, this has been the case.

You need to play with mkinitrd and load the proper drivers...

Look for ubuntu, mkinitrd and sata in Google. :)


Craig Hagerman wrote:
> I have a problem. I just installed a new SATA drive and Ubuntu doesn't
> see it. I would appreciate any help in getting this set up.
> A bit more in-depth information:
> I have the root partition on an ATA drive. Until recently I have had
> two SATA drives set up with LVM as one big 400 GB volume for storage.
> I was running out of space and decided to get a new drive. I bought a
> new 400 GB SATA drive and a USB external case. First, I put the new
> drive in the external case, hooked it up and used gparted to create
> one big ext3 partition. Then I copied all the files from the LVM
> volume to the external.
> Next I wiped the LVM volume, removed the LV and reformatted both of
> those old SATA drives (ext3 again). My plan was to put the big (400)
> new drive into the computer along with the next biggest (250) and put
> the smaller one (200) into the USB external. the problem is that
> Ubuntu will not recognise the new 400 GB drive inside the computer.
> Both of the other SATA drives are recognised so I am confident that
> the cables, motherboard, kernel, drivers, bios, etc are all working
> correctly. Also the computer will recognise the 400GB drive when I put
> it back into the USB external case. So there isn't a problem with the
> drive.
> This has me very puzzled. Any idea why the SATA is not recognised
> inside the computer?
> Craig

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