PXE boot

Bjørn Ingmar Berg bjorn.ingmar.berg at gmail.com
Thu Nov 30 08:07:13 UTC 2006

On 30/11/06, Gérard BIGOT <gerard.bigot at gmail.com> wrote:
> Let me be simple in my answer : You CAN'T use two DHCP servers in a single
> network, because of the way the lease request is done. It's a broadcast to
> the subnet. Look at the RFC for DHCP.

Thanks Gerard.  That means I'll have to get the existing DHCP server
to forward the PXE boot process to the Ubuntu server.

> But, it is possible to affect in the DHCP server an IP for each mac
> addresses. I think it's the way to go.

Yes, I know about this.  But I am not sure how / if that will help
concerning the PXE boot.

Bjørn Ingmar Berg


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