Where is 'ar' ?

Joan Tur joantur at cancullet.org
Wed Nov 29 12:32:39 UTC 2006

Es Dimarts, 28 de Novembre de 2006 19:46, en Derek Broughton va escriure:
| Bruno Costacurta wrote:
| > On Monday 27 November 2006 16:14, Joan Tur wrote:
| >> Es Dilluns, 27 de Novembre de 2006 11:25, en Bruno Costacurta va
| >>
| >> escriure:
| >> | Hello,
| >> |
| >> | I tried to open a file .deb with 'ark' which started but failed to
| >> | open the file .deb returning that 'ar' is not installed.
| >> |
| >> | How to install it / which package ?
| >>
| >> command "apt-file search bin/ar" shows binutils as the package you're
| >> looking for...  ;)
| >
| > I cannot find any 'apt-file'.
| > I suppose you means 'apt-cache', however 'apt-cache bin/ar' returns
| > nothing and 'apt-cache search ar' returns thousends of packages...,
| >
| > Where can I find which the package which contains 'ar' executable ?
| She gave you the answer - just because you don't have apt-file installed
| doesn't mean it's not a perfectly good way to find this answer.  There are
| others.  I like "dlocate bin/ar", but you probably can't find that one
| either.
Remember that bin/ar was not available in his system, so neither ?locate nor 
dpkg -S could find the package that file belongs to... because the package 
was not installed  ;)

Joan Tur (aka Quini), Eivissa-Spain
    Jabber: quini2k at jabber.org
  Linux: usuari registrat 190.783
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