OpenOffice instability issues

Chanchao custom at
Mon Nov 27 04:15:44 UTC 2006


I wasn't able to complete my work on a user manual document using Open
Office under Ubuntu Edgy.

I experienced:

* Random crashes, OpenOffice attempts to recover from this but does not
always manage to recover all changes.

* File corruption; ended up with certain images missing, and layout all
over the place.

* When printing OpenOffice quickly eats up all memory (all 760 MB of it)
then grinds the whole system to a halt.

So effectively it crashes the whole system. Everything stops moving, I
couldn't take a screen shot or even access a plain terminal.  Had to
just press the power button to stop everything.

I'm now in Widnows and I don't experience the same instability with
OpenOffice under windows. Is there something wrong with the Edgy version
of OOo?   I honestly cannot work like this, saving every 3 minutes and
wondering if all my images are still there..  And it's only a 30 page
document with one or two relatively small sized screen shots on most
pages. (PNG images, about 40 kB in size on average)

I attach a screen shot of what happens to the system memory after
hitting 'print' in OOo.. I had to use my mobile phone camera for this as
the system completely stopped responding.

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