Webmin on Dapper\Edgy

Steve Tripp progressivepenguin at gmail.com
Sun Nov 26 23:23:35 UTC 2006

Well, I've been using Webmin for quite a few years and don't plan on
stopping now just because some developers poo poo it.  I'm not privy to what
makes them say that about one of the most stable and versatile apps I've
ever used, but it's no skin off my nose because I've always installed from
tarball.  I've used Webmin in quite a few situations on a dozen Linux
flavors, Solaris, HP-UX, FreeBSD, and Mac OS X where endusers needed
restricted gui access to server processes and there is not a lot out there
that can compete with Webmin for working uniformly across platforms.  It is
not perfect, but neither is any other piece of software out there.

Could it be Perl jealousy?

On 11/25/06, Dean Sas <dean at deansas.org> wrote:
> From:
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-September/020471.html
> "And I was really hoping no one would bring up webmin. It's a piece of
> software so horrifyingly vile that we want absolutely _nothing_ to do
> with it, not even carry it in the Ubuntu archive. The entirety of the
> ubuntu-server team had a small celebration the day that package was
> killed."
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)
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