console font colours

Thilo Six T.Six at
Sun Nov 26 15:17:47 UTC 2006

Gabriel Dragffy wrote the following on 26.11.2006 16:05:


> Thanks, that worked a treat! Does the -F option go like so?:
> alias ls='ls --color=auto -F'


> Additionally I've now decided that I'd like the pretty colours to be
> used when I boot up, how might I go about that?

According to your User Agnet you are using Dapper.

If that´s right:
$EDITOR /etc/
find the line (107) which contains:

echo "[ ok ]"

and change that to:

printf '[ '
$TPUT setaf 2  # green
printf ok
$TPUT op  # normal
echo ' ]'


That will give you a green ok inside of white bracktes during boot.

> Many thanks
> Gabe

bye Thilo

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