run i386 on AMD64 ?

Ted Quick rim_molder at
Sun Nov 26 03:06:37 UTC 2006

--- Beinan Li <li.beinan at> wrote:
> Got an AMD64 and installed the AMD64 dapper.
> Unfortunately, a few problems such as the unavailable
> flash player and the realplayer problem makes it
> less of a functional system.
> I wonder whether I can run i386 dapper safely
> on my AMD64 machine.
> Thanks.
> Beinan

Yes, others have done so. Thing is that the 64 bit Dapper only helps in certain ways to do
anything faster or better, but had developmental difficulties that left some things not working.
The 1386 version will work better across the board since the application programs are based in it.
Sob using 1386 the processing is slower in only a few specific areas, not necessarily everything,
so the speed difference is less than you might expect.

They've actually decided to drop the 64 bit version in future versions, starting IIRC with Edgy.

Ted Quick
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