DRI on chipset SiS M650

Eohaid Bres McElatha bres_sidhe at drouland.com
Fri Nov 24 22:08:01 UTC 2006

On Friday 24 November 2006 20:43, Ralph Thaller wrote:
> write this into your xorg.conf:
> Section "Extensions"
>         Option "Composite" "false"
> EndSection
> for my dell laptop that worked.

That not woked for my laptop

# cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf
. . .
Section "Module"
        Load    "i2c"
        Load    "bitmap"
        Load    "ddc"
        Load    "dri"
        Load    "dbe"
        Load    "extmod"
        Load    "freetype"
        Load    "glx"
        Load    "int10"
        Load    "type1"
        Load    "vbe"
        Load    "v4l"
.  .  .
Section "Extensions"
        Option          "Composite"     "false"
. . .
Section "DRI"
        Mode    0666

# grep DRI /var/log/Xorg.0.log
(II) Loading extension XFree86-DRI
(==) SIS(0): DRI disabled
(EE) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable

Best regards,
	Eohaid "Bres Sidhe" McElatha
	Drou Land: The Cross-Roads
	Sat Nov 25 01:04:41 MSK 2006

E-Mail:	bres_sidhe at drouland.com
WWW:	http://www.drouland.com
ICQ:		48681586

Ubuntu 6.10 (edgy) with kernel 2.6.17-10-generic

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