
Tim Frost timfrost at
Fri Nov 24 05:51:15 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-11-23 at 09:12 +0100, Dieter Schicker wrote:
> Hi,
> question/proposal concerning the "Desktop" directory in the home
> directories. When I add a new user I want to have a "clean" home
> directory (except for the "."-files) without the "Desktop" directory. =>
> Is it possible to move the Desktop directory somewhere else like e.g.
> ".Desktop"? Of course without symlinking ...
The desktop that you get in gnome is configured from the system
directories and from ~/Desktop.  This means that anything that you save
to the desktop is stored in ~/Desktop.

This means that each gnome user *must* have a directory named Desktop,
unless you want to rebuild gnome to use '.Desktop' rather than 'Desktop'
as the name of the directory that stores the desktop files.


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