When will we have a clipboard that works?

Pete Slagle list-ubuntu-users at voidcaptain.com
Wed Nov 22 22:03:41 UTC 2006

Gabriel Dragffy wrote:

>> Erik Christiansen wrote:
>>> On Wed, Nov 22, 2006 at 09:17:06AM +0700, Chanchao wrote:
>>>> I would also like to ditch the old 'X' type auto-copy of stuff when
>>>> selecting things.   This is just evil, like try to paste a URL or Google
>>>> search term into Firefox.. to delete whatever was in there, most people
>>>> would select it and then paste.. but in selecting it, it replaces the
>>>> clipboard contents.
>>>> That's just nuts. 

> All we need is a little button beside the "GO" button in firefox that
> will remove the URL already present, then one could click this button
> and then middle-click-paste an address.

Just hit ctrl-t in Firefox; it will open a new tab with the cursor in
just the right place to drop the URL with a middle click.

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