PATH ~/bin under gnome

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Tue Nov 21 16:11:26 UTC 2006

On Tue, 21 Nov 2006 16:30:20 +0100
Gilles Gravier <Gilles at> wrote:

> In /etc/profile, you would put
> export PATH
> That way, $HOME/bin expands to the user's /home/whatever/bin ... 
> /etc/profile is executed at loginn by every user. Not once at boot by 
> the system.
> So this seems to me like exactly what you want...

I understand what *you*  are saying, but it is not what *I* was saying :-)

My point was that using /etc/profile for this means that
_every_user_who_logs_in will have ~/bin in their PATH .

If only_one user wants this, then I think the ~/.gnomerc will allow *just
that user*  to make this change. In other words, it can be the user's
decision rather than the admin's , and only if a particular $USER wants it

Anyway, the OP has probably stopped reading this thread by now :)


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