unblock gmail

John Mark Walker johnmark at johnmark.org
Tue Nov 21 00:50:58 UTC 2006

There are a couple of other things you could try.

For example, if you have a good connection to a machine you operate
outside of the school network, you could a.) set up a proxy server on
that machine and point your browser to that proxy. b.) set up some
sort of VNC session whereby you establish a VNC connection to your
remote machine and use that machine to fire up a browser. Performance
won't be great, but you can optimize a few things to make it

Assuming you own a box outside the school network, there are all sorts
of tunneling and proxy software you can use over port 80, which is
almost certainly not blocked. Come on, man, use your imagination :@)

I should also note that most of this is probably frowned upon by your
school administration, so if you get caught, you're on your own. I'm
pretty sure there was a story linked from /. a few months ago about a
student who was expelled for doing precisely this. Of course, it
depends on how anal your school is. Is chatting that important to you?


On 11/20/06, Chris Lemire <good_bye300 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Thank you for the suggestion, but gmail is not blocked, only gmail chat. I
> have found ways around blocked websites, but not blocked gmail chat.
> On 11/20/06, Gerry Visel <gcvisel at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Chris,
> >
> >   To access your gmail without the chat, there is a setting at the
> > bottom of the page that says:
> > "Gmail view: standard with chat | standard without chat | basic HTML
> > Learn more"
> >
> >   Choose Standard without chat, and at least you can still get your
> > email.
> >
> > Gerry
> >
> > On Mon, 2006-11-20 at 15:37 -0800, Chris Lemire wrote:
> > > Hello, recently at school gmail chat has been blocked. I get the
> > > message below. How can I unblock it? How could they be blocking it?
> > >
> > > We're experiencing technical difficulties that may prevent your chats
> from being sent.
> > > My Name
> > > Connecting in 84s..
> > > Try now
> > > Set status here
> > > We're experiencing technical difficulties that may prevent your chats
> from being sent.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
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