wireless on an Ubuntu fileserver (no X) - auto connect possible?

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at optusnet.com.au
Mon Nov 20 22:00:06 UTC 2006

On Mon, 20 Nov 2006 18:52:29 +0000
Gabriel Dragffy <dragffy at yandex.ru> wrote:

> On Mon, 2006-11-20 at 19:02 +0100, Benjamin Zeller wrote:
> > Hi Gabe,
> > 
> > you might consider to put your commands into a startupscript and enable it at 
> > boot time.
> > Benni
> That sounds like a good idea. How would one do that? I assume create a
> bash script, make it executable, but place it where and how to ensure it
> gets executed at startup?

You could put it in /etc/rc.local, which is run at the end of each
multi-user runlevel - which means runlevel 2 effectively in Ubuntu, since
anything higher would have to be a customised runlevel ( except 6 which is
"reboot", of course ).


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