ClamAv: is anyone paying attention?

Florian Diesch diesch at
Mon Nov 20 18:28:46 UTC 2006

"Renaud (Ron) Olgiati" <renaud at> wrote:

> On Monday 20 November 2006 11:25, my mailbox was graced by a missive
>  from Florian Diesch <diesch at> who wrote:
>> > I'm asking, because I have a potential user who wont accept an
>> > installation without anti-virus.
>> ClamAV or a linux version of one of the commercial AV products could
>> protect him from feeling bad.
> Once again, do these filter on _Linux_ virus ?

A mathematican would aswer "Yes, they filter all linux virusses that are
in the wild today".

Asking for protection from linux virusses is like asking for
protection from aliens from outer space. Maybe you'll need it one day...

> I have to know, because if not and something should happen virus-like,
> its my bollocks on the block......

Even with windows having a up-to-date system with a decent configuration
and not using software known for its security problems usually gives you
enough protection.


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