installation icon

MICHAEL WEAVER michaelweaver1 at
Mon Nov 20 17:01:43 UTC 2006

Does the installation icon for Edgy work for a fully sighted user?
I ask this if I have to install Ubuntu without speech?
What I need to know is is there a problem of the installer crashing when 
double clicking on it as it seemed to do when the main chap who was 
helping me install it on my laptop at my Linux group tried it and the 
system seemed to hang and even reboots of the laptop didn't workk?
Does the installer need to be run from a terminal to avoid this problem 
if so which means does a Sighted user have to type Ubiquity rather than 
double click on the Icon when using the CD?
I am finding installing with speech is being a bit of a pain as the 
drive either goes into Ubuntu Live as I hear the new Edgy tune and no 
Orca or Ubuntu doesn't load at all if I do F5 and 3 and enter twice when 
I try and get speech to work from the boot prompt.
I thought if I had a problem with Edgy on my laptop it would work on my 
desktop as the system resources are probably higher even though my 
laptop runs Dapper but my desktop is still only just Windows but even 
the desktop doesn't seem to run Orca when I do the same keystrokes 
during booting the PC.

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