Duncan Lithgow duncan at
Mon Nov 20 15:34:51 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-11-17 at 18:32 +0200, Wikus Moller wrote:
> I am new to linux
Then I suggest you look at version 6.06, it's more stable than 6.10

>  and I have a pentium 2 upgraded pc running windows xp...
That's a slightly old machine. Have a look at
and consider installing Xubuntu
<> which runs on older hardware.

> I want to install ubuntu and I have both the pc version and the 64-bit
> pc version.
You would know if you needed the 64-bit version.

> If I put the cd in my pc while its on, it just gives me a menu with
> software that I can install but NO INSTALL BUTTON with both the pc and
> 64-bit pc versions.
That's because Ubuntu is an Operating system, read
<>. You can't (normally)
install Linux while you are inside a running version of windows, windows
must be shutdown first.

> If I try to restart my pc, it doesnt do anything!
> What should I do to install it? Is there a hidden install button?
You need to make your PC check the CD drive for boot information. The
computer must start from the CD, not the Harddrive - otherwise you can't
install it.

I have sent a copy of this to your personal email account in case you're
not on the email list. You'll need to join the list to get more help.


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