POP mail question

Charles Malespin ubuntu.physicist at gmail.com
Mon Nov 20 14:24:25 UTC 2006

Hi all, 
   I have evolution set up to check my gmail account for new mail ever
few minutes on my desktop.  I just got a macbook and I want to have
mail.app check the same gmail account every few minutes as well while Im
away from my desk.  The problem is, I cant figure out how to have both
of them running at the same time without one getting the message(new
email) and the other one not seeing it.  So if would get a new email,
evolution would get it, but not mail.app depending on the last time
either one tried to check for mail.  I konw I can just disable the one
Im not using, but is there some way to have them both running and both
pick up and store all the mail? Thanks, 

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