Determining Hard drive free space

Michael T. Richter ttmrichter at
Mon Nov 20 07:41:27 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-19-11 at 20:40 -0500, KepalaLinux wrote:

> How can I determine, either via the File Browser or the terminal window,how much disk space I have left on my hard drive?
>     Thanks.

The System Monitor applet (you can get it up and running by
right-clicking on one of the panels and selecting it under "Add to
Panel") gives you a graphical summary of your storage devices under one
tab.  From the command line you can type "df --si" to get a summary of
all your disks or "df --si /path/to/some/mount/point" to get a report on
a specific drive.
Michael T. Richter
Email: ttmrichter at, mtr1966 at
MSN: ttmrichter at, mtr1966 at; YIM:
michael_richter_1966; AIM: YanJiahua1966; ICQ: 241960658; Jabber:
mtr1966 at

"[Blacks] secrete less by the kidneys, and more by the glands of the
skin, which gives them a very strong and disagreeable odour." --Thomas
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