Getting rid of the startup splash screen (Edgy)

Renaud (Ron) Olgiati renaud at
Sun Nov 19 21:02:06 UTC 2006

On Sunday 19 November 2006 17:46, my mailbox was graced by a missive
 from sdavmor <sdavmor at> who wrote:

> I'd like to get rid of the graphic "Ubuntu" spash screen on boot
> so I can see all the drivers and services loading as a laundry
> list, just like on my 7 year old Red Hat.  Where do I go to fix
> this?

One way is to add  "splash=silent" in the append line of the default entry 
in /etc/lilo.conf.

emember to run lilo again for the change to take effect.
           Any resemblance with any normal person, living or dead,
                        would be purely coincidental.
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