Ubuntu in complex office situations

Silent Ph03nix silentph03nix at gmail.com
Thu Nov 16 20:01:02 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 15 November 2006 10:09, Brian Fahrlander wrote:
>     One problem is there's no user-friendly user-management programs to
> hand an office manager. Computing for people, don'tcha know.  DirAdmin
> is close, but had a bug or two that caused grief. And, too, there was
> never a "this is how you generally populate the server to get it to get
> along" documents.  Worse yet, it's a dying project.
Don't know if this helps but there is a package in the universe repo called 
luma which purports to be an ldap admin tool.  Haven't used it so I can't 
comment on it's usefulness, but I just thought I'd mention it.
Q:	Why do WASPs play golf ?
A:	So they can dress like pimps.

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