Linux-image-686 : Obsoleted ?

Gregory PiƱero gregpinero at
Thu Nov 16 19:21:45 UTC 2006

On 11/15/06, David Symons <ubuntu at> wrote:
> On 11/16/06, Chanchao <custom at> wrote:
> > Before I used -686 versions of the kernel and related modules.  Now it
> > mentions these are 'obsoleted by Linux-image-generic'
> >
> > Does that mean there's no 686-specific kernel anymore?
> Not in the Ubuntu repositories no.  Some background information can be
> found here:
> > And does that mean that I can uninstall the obsoleted -686 stuff?
> Yes you can.  Just keep linux-generic.

How does this affect dual core CPU's though?  I was told that one
needs -686 to actually use dual cores at the same time.  Please

And my experience seems to bear that out.  I installed dapper on a
dual core machine about two months ago.  After install, cat
/proc/cpuinfo showed only one CPU, but then I did
sudo apt-get install linux-686-smp  and after that cat /proc/cpuinfo
showed two CPUs.


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