edgy questions

Scott geekboy at angrykeyboarder.com
Thu Nov 16 12:12:48 UTC 2006

Paul Kaplan spake thusly on 11/15/2006 08:13 PM:

> 2.  Is it possible to have system messages scroll across the screen during 
> boot and shutdown the way they do in dapper?


> The default seems to be to show  nothing after grub until the display
manager login screen appears.

Edit /boot/grub/menu.1st

Remove "quiet" from this line (your path will vary from mine, but you
get the idea):

		kernel		/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-generic root=/dev/sdb2 ro quiet splash

Afterwards it should appear like this (your path will vary from mine,
but you get the idea):

		kernel		/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-generic root=/dev/sdb2 ro splash

The next time you boot you'll see the system messages scrolling (albiet
much smaller than in Dapper).

> 3.  What about globally enabling viewing of / files as a normal user?

$sudo rm /.hidden /media/.hidden

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