Swap of 4 Gigs

Constantine Evans constantine at evanslabs.org
Thu Nov 16 04:20:26 UTC 2006

Guillermo Garron wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to know if it is a bug, or I am the "bug" i was trying to
> install ubuntu drapper on a pentium IV, 1 Gig RAM, i was installing
> from the live CD.
> I chosed to make my own partition arrangement, and try to stablish a
> 4096 Mbytes Swap, but the installation halted each time i tried it.
> Once i reconfigure to use only 2048 Mbytes, i could finish the
> instalation, is there a limitation on the size of swap?
> thanks

Have you tried doing this with the alternate CD instead (the generic 
answer to problems with the live CD based installation)?

I'm not *quite* sure what would be causing the failure. I can understand 
why the installation would fail for more than 4 GiB of RAM on a 32 bit 
system (> 2^32 addresses), and so I would guess that this also happens 
for RAM+swap being > 4 GiB. If the normal alternate installer doesn't 
work, you should try using the server installation, or something that 
uses the -server or -server-bigiron kernels. I'm reasonably certain that 
these have > 4 GiB ram support.

Also, out of curiosity, what are you planning on doing with such a large 
swap partition?

Constantine Evans

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