NEW - upgrading kernel

Miguel Cardenas mfcardenas at
Tue Nov 14 14:25:42 UTC 2006

Hello list

I want to upgrade to kernel from *sources* and want to make it
lighter by removing unused drivers and choosing the ones required for me (my
motherboard specific chipset, my video capture card, my sound driver, etc),
but first want to know some things...

1) Can I install other kernels directly from sources downloaded from

2) Does Ubuntu configuration (the system) require some special modules to
work or for some services (automount, shared memory, etc.)? if so, which
ones are required? Probably remove only drivers related to hardware and not
system functions to avoid Ubuntu crashes? which ones can I remove safely?

3) I'm thinking that can save current kernel (I guess 2.6.17) configuration,
load it into the 2.6.18 configuration, then remove unused drivers and
modules and tune finely the ones specific to my hardware...

Is that way right to update my kernel?

Thanks! :)

Miguel Cardenas
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