Edgy on a Dell Latitude D820

Guill. Moreno-Socias lists.gms at gmail.com
Mon Nov 13 21:17:01 UTC 2006

On 11/13/06, Guill. Moreno-Socias <lists.gms at gmail.com> wrote:
>    Hello Matt (and everybody else).
>    I have at last had time to try Edgy on the Dell Latitude D820.  I had
> trouble when installing with the Desktop CD:  impossible to get the manual
> partitioning to work.  So I used the Alternate CD and everything seems fine.
>    I have several questions:
> 1) SMP kernel:  To use both cores (Intel Core Duo T2400 (1.83GHz)), should
> I install something?  How could I know they are both working?
> 2) CPU frequency scaling:  Is there something to do?
> 3) What about the graphics card (NVIDIA Quadro NVS 110M 256 Mo)?  Any
> drivers to install?
>    Thanks in advance.

   There is something which does not work:  wifi (Intel PRO/Wireless
3945A/G).  There is no eth1 interface (eth0 is ethernet and it works).  What
can I do?

Guillermo Moreno-SocĂ­as
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