easyubuntu attached

YAGNESH N DESAI ynd at hzw.ltindia.com
Mon Nov 13 09:19:44 UTC 2006

This is the clasic problem I faced with ubuntu 
hence I shifted to MEPIS (its ubuntu based frok). 
If you do not want to shift to MEPIS then there is 
a procedure which I have writen for the offline 
installation of package on ubuntu. 
Refer it at 
Hope you can also install xmms. regarding VLC I am still tryng 
 to sort it out the dependancy issues. 
Also on MEPIS Kaffeine does play DVD. I still on VLC. 
>>>Afsal PA <afsalmpm at gmail.com> 13/11/2006 1:16 PM >>> 
                     Hi , thank you very much for the information.I do not have an internet connection in ubuntu,Because i dont know how to configur .Where to configur.I have internet connection in Win XP of  56 kbps. I have a modem of 56 kbps of delink.Can i use this in Ubuntu?.Do ineed o install any driver for the modem?,if then where can get it from?Which is the software used in ubuntu to connect ?, i donot have much experiece in linux ,but i would like to change. 
               I have downloaded loats of codec fromarchive.ubuntu.com 
 .Idont know how to istaal it.Please tell me wher can i get XMMS player and VLC from internet,can send the link 
                 Thank you  very much once again for your continues help 
On 11/13/06, YAGNESH N DESAI < ynd at hzw.ltindia.com> wrote: 
Do you have internet connection working on ubuntu ? 
If yes then just go to the easyubuntu menu and select the 
required codec/plugins and easyubuntu will download and install 
them from the http://archive.ubuntu.com 
If you do not have the internet connection on ubuntu then 
installing codecs/plugins would be very difficult. I would then 
suggest that you install xmms & VLC for playing mp3 and DVD 
>>>Afsal PA <afsalmpm at gmail.com> 12/11/2006 8:52 AM >>> 
Thanks for sending this.I have installed this successfully.now please send me the codecs or links to get codec for mp3,Mpeg,DVD vedios. 
On 11/10/06, YAGNESH N DESAI <ynd at hzw.ltindia.com >wrote: 

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