Edgy and Gnome

Chanchao custom at freenet.de
Mon Nov 13 09:16:46 UTC 2006

Frank McCormick wrote:

>    I'd also advise a return to Dapper - Edgy does seem to have more problems than Dapper for some people. 
> Remember, the release of Dapper was delayed to "polish" it more. And it seems to have paid off. Edgy for me 
> has a lot of annoying "glitches" - while Dapper is...well dapper.

Yup, Dapper.  it's not like Edgy actually has things you don't get on 
Dapper.  Firefox 2.0 most notably was an easy install.

As for anything else.. I don't think anyone could name even one thing 
that would increase anyone's productivity.

So.. my thoughts now are to completely skip Edgy.  I did install it on 
an old PC just to see how bad it was, (and it wasn't actually that bad 
aside from the traditional xserver-xorg display lottery).  Noted 
F-Spot.. I dislike applications that try to index my life for me. I 
disliked it with music (a la itunes and rythmbox) and I equally dislike 
it with Picasa and now F-Spot.  g-Thumb really is a beauty.

Still, going through OS-transition uncertainty every 6 months is just 
nuts unless you actually crave that. (People for sure crave weirder 
things than that so I'm not being rhetorical here)


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