getting the current (feisty?) kernel source w/ git

Matt Price matt.price at
Sun Nov 12 01:12:39 UTC 2006


I'm trying to see whether I can patch the current ubuntu development
kernel with the suspend2 patches.  To this end I tried updating the git
repository I had previously (during the edgy release cycle) pulled from
rsync:// as
per the instructions on .  I did
this by cding to the relevant directory and issuing the command:

git pull  

which went through the expected longish list of hexadecimal hashes or
whatever (I'm not a programmer, I don't knoww hat all that stuff means),
and then ended in a failure message:

* refs/heads/origin: does not fast forward to branch 'master' of
  not updating.

Again, I don't really know much about git, but I'm guessing that I need
to identify myself as wanting to use another branch or something.
Anyone know what I need to do?  thanks,

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