Does linux have a system wide log?

Magnus Runesson mr-ubuntu at
Sat Nov 11 13:44:27 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-11-11 at 06:31 -0700, wade at wrote:
> 11112006 0730 GMT-6
> Does Ubuntu have a log that is system wide?

All logs are stored in the /var/log directory. Most interesting at this
time may be messages and the mail-log files.

The logging daemon in Linux is called syslog. Check out the man-panges
for syslog.

Hope it helps,

> Im still dealing with fetchmail not getting any mail, and weather applet
> not connecting.
> Is there a log kinda like Windows Event Viewer that logs problems?
> wade

Magnus Runesson <mr-ubuntu at>

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