new to ubuntu; have a few questions

Dwain Alford dwain.alford at
Fri Nov 10 00:58:08 UTC 2006

On 11/9/06, Constantine Evans <constantine at> wrote:
> ac wrote:
> To Dwain: You can make the hard drive so that only you can access it as
> your account. If it has a Linux filesystem, change the directory where
> it is mounted so that your user owns it (on the command line, this would
> be chown username /path/to/mount/point). Then you can read and write
> everything on the hard drive, and can change the permissions so that
> others can't write to it, or even read to it if you choose.
i.e. - chown/username/home/username/directory?

and how about the drive the os is installed on, how would i accomplish this?

i.e. chown/un/home/un/<what?> and this is on the install drive.

i feel like i'm not saying it correctly.

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