emacs & xfontsel: "Unable to load any usable ISO8859 font"

Roland Turcan konf at rotursoft.sk
Thu Nov 9 14:37:31 UTC 2006

<<< 09.11.2006 13:31 - Adam Funk "a24061 at yahoo.com" >>>
AF> I just upgraded from dapper to edgy and now when I run emacs as an X
AF> application (i.e. not in the console or xterm) I see only boxes.  When
AF> I run it from (but not in) xterm I get the following errors, and
AF> something similar from xfontsel:

AF> /home/adam $ emacs
AF> Warning: Cannot convert string
AF> "-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*" to type FontStruct
AF> Warning: Unable to load any usable ISO8859 font
AF> Warning: Cannot convert string
AF> "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*--*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct
AF> Warning: Unable to load any usable ISO8859 font
AF> Warning: Unable to load any usable ISO8859 font

AF> /home/adam $ xfontsel 
AF> Warning: Unable to load any usable ISO8859 font
AF> Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
AF> Warning: Unable to load any usable fontset
AF> Error: Aborting: no font found

AF> I've commented out my old emacs.font line in .Xdefaults and restarted
AF> gdm, and I still have this problem.  I would appreciate any
AF> suggestions for fixing it.

AF> Thanks,
AF> Adam

I don't know if it helps you, but in our cases with locale problems
this command is the solution:

sudo locale-gen de_DE

of course, exchange our language and contry in command.

Best regards, TRoland

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