Themes in Ubuntu Edgy

Helton Dória helton.doria at
Wed Nov 8 14:46:01 UTC 2006

2006/11/8, Brian Craft <javaman67 at>:
> Is it just me or can anyone get any of the OSX themes use the glassy
> blue scrollbars to show up in Gnome apps like Nautilus?  I had no
> problem in Dapper, but something seems different in Edgy trying to get
> certain themes to show correctly.  I install the themes and they show up
> in the themes window, but things like the scrollbars don't theme out
> correctly.
> Any idea's or tricks would be helpfull

Hi Brian,

Perhaps for a question of space in the live CD, perhaps for some another
unknown reason, the Edgy does not come with all GTK2 engines installed. This
must be your problem. Just install the correct engine and everything must
come back to the normality. If you don't know which engine that it uses,
look inside the folder gtk-2.0 of the theme folder (normally in
/usr/share/themes or .themes in your home folder) for the file gtkrc. Inside
of it, find a line with the word "engine" and you will discover which of
them it uses.

I had a similar problem here and this brought me a solution.

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