bash_completion syntax error

Marius Gedminas marius at
Sun Nov 5 12:21:24 UTC 2006

On Sat, Nov 04, 2006 at 02:52:05PM -0500, Luis wrote:
> > I had it.  I fixed it this way: my ~/.gnomerc contains
> Why would you need Gnome to read your .bash_profile?

Because I want applications started from the GNOME menu or the Alt+F2 run
dialog to inherit my environment settings.

Actually, that's not so important now that Ubuntu sets the default
system locale to a UTF-8 one in /etc/environment.  I could get rid of my

> Gnome terminal
> should just be set to "Login shell". That way gnome-terminal sources
> your dot files whenever you open a window.
> No need to do "hackish" work-arounds.

But I *like* hackish workarounds. :-)

> Tip:
> instead of: export PS1=
> do: unset PS1

Thanks for the tip.

Marius Gedminas
The last good thing written in C was Franz Schubert's Symphony #9.
        -- Erwin Dietrich
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