Ubuntu 6.10 AMD64

Peter Brook drpeter.brook at btinternet.com
Tue Nov 7 17:56:21 UTC 2006

Uwe Korn <xhochy at yahoo.de> wrote:    -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
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Roland Turcan schrieb:
> Hello folks!
> I want to ask, that if you have experience, why after installation of
> UB6.10AMD64 I have black&white startup and shutdown screen. It looks
> like broken driver, but after complete start I cannot see any problem.
> It works fine.

I've the same, but I've thought, It is ok so.
(I've got a nVidia Card with 3d-driver installed)
> Thanks.
  I have the same.  On first upgrading before final distro, the log -in and log-out were in colour.  I accepted a bundle of updates some 2-3 days before final distro and after that, log-in and log-out went black and white!
  I am using 64 bit Edgy on Advent 7039 with AMD 64 processor.  
  drpeter.brook at btinternet.com 

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